
e-Portfolio is a system in which learners can record evidence of their learning, e.g. essaysartworkcertificatesreflections or other such things they produce that can be stored digitally. Login into your UTM account and click tab Eportfolio.

– Towards UTM Life-Ready Graduate

Terms & Condition

Briefing & Workshop 19 Nov 2019


Registration Form


Submission Due 12 Dec 2019

Open to all 3rd Year & Final Year UTM undergraduate students only


Submission Form

Result Announcement 23 Dec 2019



  • Launched by YB Minister of Higher Education Malaysia, Dato ‘Seri Idris Jusoh on October 26, 2017 at the Auditorium Putra, Faculty of Engineering, UPM Serdang.
  • 5 Public Universities (UA) has pioneered the use of the national level MY e-Portfolio systems namely UTM, UPM, UKM, UiTM and UIA. All five of the UAs were directly involved in the launch by displaying an e-portfolio system developed for guests comprising UA Malaysian representatives, Ministries, UA students and lecturers as well as the Industry.
  • At the New Year 2018 Commencement held on 12.1.2018 at the PICC Putrajaya, the Minister has directed that each UA and HEIs establish this e-Portfolio system and integrate their e-Portfolio with the iCGPA system.


E-Portfolio is an online compilation of documents that is flexible and is based on artifact evidences of which students are directly involved in a continuous reflection process towards their own learning, the progress of their achievement on knowledge, technical and generic skills as well as their personal, academic and career development planning.

Eportfolio provides a personal learning environment to record and showcase evidence of achievement, manage development plans, set goals, and create online learning communities

UTM is the first university in the country that has developed an e-Portfolio system for its student to record their academic progress and learning reflection. The project was started in 2005 as one of the tools to monitor and assess the acquirement of UTM Graduate Attributes among its students.


Some of the driving forces of introducing the e-Portfolio to the students are as follows:

  • to improve the students quality and accountability towards their own academic achievement
  • to encourage students to reflect, to think critically and to acquire the skills of integrating information and knowledge
  • to give added values to an effective learning culture
  • to share their work with potential employers
  • to inculcate the culture of writing and documenting information
  • to help students to recognize their own potential and skills in terms of knowledge, technical and generic
  • to help the University and the stakeholders to monitor students development from many aspects
  • to assist the academic progress and career development of the student
  • to be used as an instrument to assess the effectiveness of an academic programmed
  • to be used as a proof on student achievement as prescribed in the statement of programmed learning outcome

“Never forget, no matter how hard life seems, no matter how bad you are treated, you WILL change the world. If you don’t think so, you are wrong because everyone is special in their own ways.” — Michael Headrick

“Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I’m going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy.” — Wayne Dyer

Victory always starts in the head. It’s a state of mind. It then spreads with such radiance and such affirmations that destiny can do nothing but obey. – — Douchan Gersi

[gview file=”https://dvcai.utm.my/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2019/11/eportfolio-guidelines.pdf”]

Create your electronic portfolio in a flexible personal learning environment

Share your achievements and development in a space you control

Engage with other people in discussion forums and collaborate with them in groups